This weekend, I began to think about how quickly this past Christmas had come and gone. As much as I tell myself each November that I will slow down and really enjoy the season, the hustle and bustle of daily work schedules, family commitments, baking, and shopping make the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas fly by.
Last Christmas, baby girl was only 4 weeks old; so we were really just enjoying Christmas while getting used to being a family of four. This year, we knew we wanted to start special Christmas family traditions of our own. We had planned on a trip downtown to see a "Santas Around the World" display, but the stomach bug hit our family just days before Christmas. With our trip downtown being out, I began to explore my Christmas Pinterest board for ideas. If you are on Pinterest, I’m sure you have seen the “Christmas
Eve Box”. The idea is to give your children each year on Christmas Eve a gift of new
pajamas, a holiday book, movie, and a snack. Easy enough. I had already picked
up the matching boy and girl version of snowman pajamas. A
trip to Target completed the box with the book, “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”,
the DVD “The Cat and The Hat Knows A lot About Christmas”, and a box of Annie's
Organic Honey, Chocolate, and Chocolate Chip Bunny Crackers. The Christmas Eve
box was festively wrapped and placed under the tree as the first gift of
Christmas. Our course, my 3 year old wanted to open it right away, but we managed
to wait until after the Christmas Eve church service.
Christmas Eve Box |
The Christmas Eve box was a hit! The favorite gifts were definitely
the DVD and Annie’s bunnies. Later, we all curled up together enjoying our snacks
while we watched the “Cat”. And luckily, I remembered to wash their pajamas
before wrapping the gift, so they were soft, clean and ready to be worn as
they dreamed of St. Nick.
What's Inside the Box? |
New Christmas Pajamas | |
Do you have any special Christmas or Christmas Eve
traditions? I’d love to hear about them!
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